emoohn Info
emoohn Studio The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
Upon your hair
Upon your head
In which your whole life
Has turned into a lot of short memories
Gleams pale
The sharp ends which made so many scars
Into your pretty flesh
Don't let you forget
What we have done to one another
Only the heaven
Still sheds tears
For the things it saw
The long wide coats
Which followed your fast walk
Hang dead in the corner
Only your eyes
Still show
Which view they were allowed to bear
To bear
The pulpit
From which you told them
What made their faces shine
The table
On which you wrote
What they were
And where they came from
Have become lame
Like your hope
And your explication
To yourself
To yourself
Only your eyes still show
which view they were allowed to bear
To bear
The table
On which you wrote
What they were
And where they came from
Have become lame
The pulpit
From which you told them
What made their faces shine
The Crown
Upon your hair
Upon your head
The pulpit
From which you told them
What made their faces shine
The table
On which you wrote
What they were
And where they came from
Have become lame
Like your hope
And your explication
To yourself
emoohn Studio The Time Is Ready
The Time Is Ready
Will come
Because the time is ready
Ready for new thoughts
Ready for old thoughts
(very old)
(very old thoughts)
I remembered
Somebody said
The land was different
Before it came
The thought
That created
The storm in us
(very old)
I remembered
You said
That we experienced ourselves
In a different way
Before it came
The thought
That brought
These many thunderstorms
It will come
It will be
Because the time is ready
Ready for new thoughts
Ready for old thoughts
Very old thoughts
I remembered
I said
(I remembered)
That we become stronger
When it comes
The thought
That makes us visible
(visible visible)
It will come
It will be
Because the time is ready
Ready for new thoughts
Ready for old thoughts
Very old thoughts
(very old)
The time is ready
(very old very old)
Very old
(very old very old)
The time is ready
(the time is ready)
The time is ready
(the time is ready is ready is ready)
I remembered
I said
That we become stronger
When it comes
The thought
That makes us visible
Visible visible
Visible visible
Ready for new thoughts
The time is ready
(the time is ready)
emoohn Studio To Where The Angels Go
To Where The Angels Go
We could see
To where the Angels go
(angels angels)
Our land
Observed by nightly eyes
Enjoying this world
The temptations as we like it
But when the great magic freezes
The dust will lay down
On our horizon
Our towns
Like banners in the wind
Decide the direction
Glitter in the light of the moon
And get pale when the sun awakes
But when the might is testified
The will could be too late to free us
To free us
(free us free us)
(but when the might is testified)
Our bodies
For which it is so easy to communicate
Let's often forget
What we are
Too often our spirit is reigned
By the broken pieces of our innermost centre
But if some of us
Could start to fly to find the way
(to communicate to communicate to communicate)
We could see
We could see
To where the Angels go
(too often)
We could see
(we could see)
To where the Angels go
(to where the angels go)
To where the Angels go
(but if some of us)
(we could see them)
We could see
(we could see)
To where the Angels go
(to where the angels go)
We could see
emoohn Studio Trust Your Eyes
Trust Your Eyes
Trust your..
Trust your eyes
What's going on
Trust your eyes
You see the lies
If you trust your eyes
If you trust your ear
You can hear
What's going on
Trust your heart
That you can feel
What we can start
What we can start
Trust your eyes
You see the lies
If you trust your eyes
Trust your eyes
What's going on
What's going on
What's going on
What's going on
Trust your eyes
What's going on
Trust your eyes
You see the lies
If you trust your eyes
If you trust your ear
You can hear
What's going on
Trust your heart
That you can feel
What we can start
If you trust your ear
You can hear
What's going on
Trust your eyes
What's going on
Trust your eyes
You see the lies
If you trust your eyes
If you trust your ear
You can hear
What's going on
Trust your heart
That you can feel
What we can start
Trust your heart
That you can feel
What we can start
What's going on
emoohn Studio Space Boy
Space Boy
You feel it?
With rhythmic motions
Tell me, what do you feel?
Space Boy
Space Boy
With bewildered eyes
Dreamy but yet clear
Lost wonderfully
Life, life will pass
To realise the destination so well
Until there is none
The love the luck
You felt it
Space Boy
Oh Boy
With rhythmic motions
You've walked the way
The rhythm the sound
Which accompanies your life
And rules it
The moon
Has played a trick on you
It carried you up in the air
Space Boy
With a smiling face, face on the horizon
The thoughts fly in a circle
Who can tell who knows what you have seen
The wind
The wind has given you a lift
That's why you didn't return
Space Boy
You didn't return Space Boy
Space Boy
Fly into the sky
Take good care of yourself
In your land
Oh Boy
Space Boy
Tell me, what do you see?
Tell me
Oh Boy
Space Boy
emoohn Studio The Morning Does Not Seem To Be Far
The Morning Does Not Seem To Be Far
Oh world Oh dream
Will you find one another
Will you find one another when I'm really with you
The morning does not seem to be far
What might it bring
The night was full of rain
The muse kissed me
Like before
So often
She was my beloved
I melted with her
I went with her
The day had often broken already
When I sank into my dreams
Let my soul fly
To the worlds which soon
Lost themselves again
In the here and the now
Oh world Oh dream
Will you find one another when I'm really with you
In the here and the now
Will you find one another
Will you find one another when I'm really with you
Will you find one another
Oh world Oh dream
Will you find one another when I'm really with you
Will you find one another when I'm really with you
The now already
Waits for the dream
The dream already
Waits for the now
The now already waits for the dream
Waits for the now
The dream already waits for the now
Waits for the now
Waits for the dream
Oh world
Oh world
Oh dream
Will you find one another
emoohn Studio I Don't Want A Fight
I Don't Want A Fight
Who will speak for your soul
For your respect
Who will cry.. for a sky
Which doesn't exist
When we lie in our land
When we sink in our hearts
When we fall into our mind
I don't want a fight
With you and for me
I can't scream anymore for your support
Who will pray for our stars which were never seen by anybody
Can you tell about my world
Did you ever feel it the wind which leads you to me
Did you ever see the face
Which can be recognised as mine
Did you ever.. realise
Your writing on my skin
Where is your God where is your power
Is it in you or in the others
In their community in your hiding place
You let the majority be rea-lity
I'm the dreamer and you catch up with me
Your easy power your easy dreams your easy life and your easy aging
Become witnesses of your right
Who will speak for your soul
For our respect
When we lie in our land
When we sink in our hearts
When we fall into our minds
Who will cry
For a sky
Which doesn't exist
For a sun which nobody has seen
And a warmth in which you feel cold
In which you feel cold
In which you feel cold
In which you feel cold
Who will cry.. for a sky
Which doesn't exist
For a sun which nobody has seen
And a warmth in which you feel cold
In which you feel cold
In which you feel cold
In which you feel cold
Who will speak for your soul
For our respect
Who will speak for your soul
For our respect
Its enough
emoohn Studio The Fool Who Does It
The Fool Who Does It
It's me
The fool who does it
(just another - just another)
Fool who does it
It's me
(just another - just another)
The fool who does it
It's me
The fool who does it
Who says what is
To whomever
The one who doesn't smile
Although so advantageous
Although so adventageous
(just another)
It's me
The one who jumps
Into the depth of the nothing
As so many before him
To bring the flame
Which kindles the fire
The fool who does it
(just another)
Will return
(just another)
Until he is no fool anymore
Until the might is love
And the power so full and imbued with clarity again
The fool who does it
It's me
It's me
The one they want to prevent
As soon as he is really there
But too late
Already it will be
For them to remain
For him to fail
The fool who does it
(just another)
Will return
(just another)
Until he is no fool anymore
Until the might is love
And the power so full and imbued with clarity again
The fool who does its
Will return
The fool who does it
Will return
Until he is no fool anymore
Until the might is love
And the power so full and imbued with clarity again
The fool who does it
(just another)
It's me
(just another)
The fool who does it
Will return
Until he is no fool anymore
Until the might is love
And the power so full and imbued with clarity again
The fool who does it
(just another - just another)
The fool who does it
Will return
It's me
The one who jumps
Until the might is love
And the power.. so full and imbued
With clarity again
(another fool)
(the fool)
The fool who does it
(the fool)
The one they want to prevent
As soon as he is really there
But too late already it will be
For them to remain
For him to fail
The fool who does it
(just another - just another)
The fool who does it
The fool who does it
The fool who does it
emoohn Studio Visions Of The Future
Visions Of The Future
Come on
On and on
Come on
(the evil)
Let's chase away
The evil
(the evil)
(the evil)
Present and expected
Shaping the power and reality
Twitch in the soul
And in the brain
Come on
Let's go
On and on
Let's fade away
(let's fade away)
Visions of the future
Momentary and needed
Demanding hope and readiness
Live in the heart
And arise in the hands
Come on
(in the hands)
Let's go
On and on
(come on come on)
(let's remain let's remain let's remain
Come on
Deserted and used up
Producing the wonderful past
Flee into the thoughts
And bring the sense
Come on
Let's run
On and on
Come on
(and bring the sense)
Let's chase away
(on and on)
Come on
Let's run
On and on
Let's chase away.. the evil
(come on)
Let's chase away
Let's chase away the evil
Producing the wonderful past
Flee into the thoughts
(and bring the sense and bring the sense)
(come on)
(let's chase away the evil)
One has to be ready to fall
Let's chase away the evil
Ready to fall
Let's chase away
Let's fade away
To be ready to fall
If necessary
Ready to fall
(be ready to fall)
One has to be ready to fall
One has to be
(it's our)
Let's chase away the evil
(let's fade away)
We have to stop
(one has to be)
One has to stop the evil
The evil
Be ready to fall
(let's chase away)
Deserted and used up
Producing the wonderful past
Flee into the thoughts
And bring the sense
Come on
Let's run
On and on
(let's chase away)
Come on
Let's chase away the evil
Let's chase away the evil
(let's chase away)
Let's chase away the evil
Visions of the future
(let's chase away)
Momentary and needed
Let's chase away the evil
Of the future
Come on
Let's run
On and on
emoohn Studio Mind Wants More
Mind Wants More
Mind wants more
Always more
When the sense for beauty
For tranquility
Doesn't catch up with it
Doesn't remind it
That it's yet only mind
Yet only thinking
(mind mind)
Mind wants further
Always further
It must be stopped
Now and again
Maybe by lust
Or by love
To feel a bit
How it comes.. life
(mind mind)
Mind wants more
Mind wants further
Mind wants to know
What it alone - never can fully grasp
What it alone - never can fully.. understand
Mind alone will just
Mind wants to know
Often too much
And too exactly
Wants to get higher
And still more
What often is quite dangerous
When only it alone moves on
When it forgets
The soul and dignity
Which it so often cannot understand
(mind mind)
Mind wants more
Mind wants further
Mind wants to know
What it alone never can fully grasp
What it alone never can fully.. understand
Mind alone.. will just
(mind mind)
Mind wants more
Mind wants further
Mind wants to know What it alone never can fully grasp
What it alone never can fully.. understand
Mind alone will just
emoohn Studio So Cold
So Cold
Have been glad to see you
Had a strange emotion
But it was right
Wanted to talk with you
Have tried
You were hurt
And hurt me
I wanted to fly
And watch you flying
Wanted to see us together
Higher and higher
The rest of the world
Would be so small would be so far away
But not less
We never wanted to be more
I don’t like it this way
Help me a little
So that I can help you
Don’t forsake me
Not so cold
Don’t forsake me
I feel cold
The rest of the world
Would be so small would be so far a away
(the rest of the world - the rest of the world)
I don’t like it this way
Help me a little
So that I can help you
Don’t forsake me
I feel cold
Don’t forsake me
I will take us higher
Higher and higher
(listen - listen)
Don’t forsake me
Higher and higher
Don’t forsake me
So that I
Can help you

emoohn Studio Where Do You Come From
Where Do You Come From
Where do you come from
Give me the sense
Tell me
Where do you come from
You little bird
What have you heard
On your flight through the world
Of craziness and brightness
Give me the sense
Tell me
Where do you come from
You wonderful crystal
What have you seen
On your journey through the reflections
Of darkness and light
Of darkness and light
Give me the sense
Tell me
About your adventures
Let me feel too
What's in you
Give me the sense of your being
Give me the sense
Give me the sense of your being
Tell me
Tell me Tell me Tell me
Where do you come from
You passionate lady
What have you felt
On your walk through the tunnel of lust
Into the deep.. over the sky
Of obsession and love
Tell me
Give me sense
Tell me
About your adventures
Let me feel too
What's in you
Give me the sense
Give me the sense of your being
Tell me
Tell me about your adventures
Let me feel
Give me the sense of your being
Give me the sense of your being
Give me the sense of your being
Where do you come from
emoohn Studio Emotion
(let me see your movement)
(let me see your movement)
Bright emotion
Deep emotion
Is substantial
(deep emotion - deep emotion)
I want to see I want to be I want to see your movement
(that spreads around us wide)
Let me see your movement
Emotion - bright emotion - deep emotion - light emotion
I want to see I want to be I want to see your movement
That spreads around us wide
Into the sky - into your space - into our space
Let me see your movement
I want to see I want to be - your movement like a flight
Into the night - into the day - into your way
Bright emotion
Deep emotion
Light emotion
Let me see your movement

Let me see your movement
Let me see your movement
(let me see you)
(let me see your movement)
(let me see your movement)
I see you
I want to see I want - your movement like a flight
I want to see I want - your movement in the night
I want to see I want - your movement in the day
I want to see I want - your movement on your way
Bright emotion
Deep emotion
Light emotion
(let me see your movement)
(let me see your movement)
(let me see your movement)
Is substantial
emoohn Studio The Big Dying
The Big Dying
The big dying begins
The hells are getting full
And the heavens too
Many will wander into the nothing
Also into everything
There where they decided to go
When they were here
What they still need to become
To be whole again.. for one moment
To understand
Many will mourn
For those who had to go
Others will be glad.. that they were allowed to stay
Here on this planet
Where so many seem to be so close to each other
They will congratulate themselves
To have done it right
To have survived
Allowed to accompany others.. with their leaving
Or to run away from it
Many will celebrate
How they did it before
As long as they can
Until they leave too
Some will hardly accept
That they have to go.. and how
They will lose themselves totally
Not only a few will awake in time
And will be back again soon
It will depend on them - when it is time again
A last time
The big dying begins
It is the experience - The purification - And the return
Which are necessary
To heal finally
Or to fade.. entirely
Or to fade
The big dying begins
The hells are getting full
And the heavens too
It is the experience - The purification - And the return
Which are necessary
To heal finally
Or to fade.. entirely
Many will celebrate
How they did it before
As long as they can
Some will hardly accept
That they have to go.. and how
They will lose themselves totally
Not only a few will awake in time
And will back again soon
It will depend on them - when it is time again
A last time
The big dying begins
It is the experience - The purification - And the return
Which are necessary
To heal finally
Or to fade.. entirely
The big dying begins
It is the experience - The purification - And the return
Which are necessary
To heal finally
Or to fade.. entirely
emoohn Studio Daagi No Mah
Daagi No Mah
Daagi No Mah
Haii Jai
Dje Loogi Na la Hai-da Lai Toi
Dje Gola Rai Ganai-djo Haii-jai
Hai-Yai Ha Ha Ha Ha Haii
Dje Gola Haina Hei-ra Haii-jai
Dje Gola Rei-djo Lai-ka Haii-jai
Hai-Yai Ha Ha Ha Ha Haii
Dja La Ha Raro Daagi No Mah
Dja Ga-Lo Reige Jo-Ro Woa Wa
Dja Go Le-i Rigo No Maaki Jo Lario-E
Do Lei ro Ho Rei Go Jo Rai Ho-i Jo
Dja Gola Dja Ro Hai Da Haii-Jaih
Hai-Yai Ha Ha Ha Ha Haii
Daagi No Mah
It's It's It's
It's no question of what you hear
But how it feels
Be Go Loi-Do Jari
Be Go Loi-Do Jari
La Hoi
Dje Loogi Nara Jaga Lei Joi
Be Goloi do Jaari Gindo.. la Hoi
Dje Gola Hara Haida Hai-Jai
Dje Golo Rai Ja Ja-Ra
It's no question of what you hear
But how it feels
Because the feeling
Is before.. during.. and after
Ha.. Hai.. HaiHa.. Hai.. Hai
Daagi No Mah
emoohn Studio Emotional Truth
Emotional Truth
It's so funny
Hear old songs
Can feel them still
See old friends
Can feel them still
The old emotions
Sitting and thinking sh..
Looking into emptiness
Sitting and thinking - sitting and thinking
Sitting and thinking - sitting and thinking
But I love you
You make it easy for me
I can't do anything
Really she is leaving
Sit there like before
Can't go on can't stop
And try to see something
See him
Like so often
"He doesn't see me"
"I don't see him"
Again and again
Like so often
Again and again
I hate him
I hate him
Or do I love him
Or do I love him
It's so funny
I don't find the way
I don't find a way
And don't even want to
Or just shouldn't
No out.. back to him
Back to him
Or just shouldn't
Back, back to him
It's so funny I don't find the way
The way
It's so funny
The way
The way
The way
emoohn Studio Breathe It
Breathe It
Breathe it
Oh breathe it
Breathe it
Breathe it deeply
The life the wonder the yes
Enjoy that you are here in this world
For to be.. and for to become.. for to become
Have the courage
Have the courage to live the light in you
And also to demand it
Or to say no
Preserve yourself and your treasure
The love is with you
When you make yourself as one
With its rules
Breathe it breathe it
Oh breathe it
The Love
Yes I believe you
Yes I love you
Yes I believe you
Breathe yes
Yes I yes
Yes I trust you
Breathe it
Breathe it deeply the life the wonder the yes
Yes I
Breathe it
Breathe it breathe it
Oh breathe it
Breathe it breathe it
Yes I
Breathe it deeply the life the wonder the yes
Preserve yourself and your treasure
Breathe it
Breathe it breathe it
Breathe it breathe it
Oh breathe it
Breathe it breathe it
Breathe it breathe it
Breathe it deeply the life the wonder the yes
Breathe it.. breathe it
Oh breathe it
Breathe it breathe it breathe it
Oh breathe it breathe it breathe
Preserve yourself and your treasure
Breathe it breathe it
Oh breathe it
Have the courage to live the light in you
And also to demand it
Oh breathe it
Breathe it
Breathe it deeply the life the wonder the yes
Breathe it
Breathe it
Oh breathe it
Breathe it breathe it breathe it
Oh breathe it
Breathe it breathe it
Breathe it
Breathe it deeply the life the wonder the yes
Breathe it breathe it
Oh breathe it
Breathe it breathe it
Oh breathe it
Breathe it breathe it
emoohn Studio Trust Your Eyes
Trust Your Ear..
So You Can Hear..
What's Going On

Trust your eyes
What's going on
Trust your eyes
You see the lies
If you trust your eyes
If you trust your ear
You can hear
What's going on
Trust your heart
That you can feel
What we can start
What we can start
Trust your eyes
You see the lies
If you trust your eyes
Trust your eyes
What's going on
What's going on
What's going on
What's going on
Trust your eyes
What's going on
Trust your eyes
You see the lies
If you trust your eyes
If you trust your ear
You can hear
What's going on
Trust your heart
That we can feel
What we can start
If you trust your ear
You can hear
What's going on
Trust your eyes
What's going on
Trust your eyes
You see the lies
If you trust your eyes
If you trust your ear
You can hear
What's going on
Trust your heart
That you can feel
What we can start
Trust your heart
That you can (what's going on) feel
What we can start
emoohn Studio Let It Flow
Let It Flow
Let it flow
That we can blow
Away the fear
Away the doubts
That we can hear
Our own voice
Our own voice
Be the night
(be the night be the night be the night be the night)
Be the day
Feel the light
On your way
To your own voice
Our own voice
Through the night
(through the night through the night through the night through the night)
Through the day
Feel the light
On your way
To your own voice
(to your own voice)
Let it flow
That we can blow
Away the fear
Away the doubts
(that we can hear that we can hear)
(our own voice)
To the light through the night through the day go your way
To your own voice
Let it flow
(be the night be the night be the night.. be the night)
That we can blow
(be the night be the night be the night.. be the night)
Away the fear
Away the doubts
(be the night be the night)
That we can hear
(be the night)
Our own voice
To your own voice
Let it flow
That we can blow
Away the fear
Away the doubts
(be the night be the night be the night be the night be the night be the night)
(be the night be the night be the night be the night be the night be the night)
(to your own voice)
Let it flow
To your own voice
To your own voice
To your own voice
(our own voice)  
Our own voice
To your own voice
To your own voice
Let it Flow
(to your own voice)
(to your own voice)
That we can hear
(that we can hear that we can hear)
That we can hear
(that we can hear that we can hear)
That we can hear
(our own voice)
Let it flow
That we can blow
Away the fear
Away the doubts
That we can hear
Our own voice
Let it flow
That we can blow
Away the fear
Away the doubts
That we can hear
emoohn Admiring.. In Front Of Your Being.. I Stand
In Front Of Your Being..
I Stand..
Believing In you

Safe and secure
At my place
I sit
Covered in great music
And dream of you
How you are - in reality
Close to you
I lie
Drifting in my thoughts
And can see you
How wonderful
I can see you
You are beautiful
In front of your being
I stand
Believing in you
And can feel who you are
The Queen is within you
And the King is within you too
How exciting it is.. to experience you
Safe and secure
I live in a reality
That everyone can remember
If only one wants to
If only one wants to
If only one wants to
If only one wants to
Safe and secure
I live in a reality
That everyone can remember
If only one wants to
Safe and secure
I live in a reality
That everyone can remember
If only one wants to
Be bebe
Be bebebe bebe bbb
Be bebbb
If only one wants to
emoohn Studio Use It
Use It
The energy is waiting
Use it
Let it outside
Let your love out
Let it outside
The soul your body is your channel
Move it - groove it - move it
Let it outside
Let it out - let it out - let it out
Your feeling your heart your eyes
Use it - use it - use it
Let your love out - let the love outside
Let it out - let it out - let it out
The soul your body is a channel
And the aggressions
Loose it - loose it - loose it
Loose it - loose it - loose it
Leave it all behind

Let your love out
The soul the heart the feeling is waiting
Move it - groove it - move it
Move it - move it - move it
Let it outside
Let it out - let it out - let it out
The light is waiting
Move it - groove it - move it
Move it - move it - move it
Let your love outside
Your hate your doubts and your fear
Loose it - loose it - loose it
Loose it - loose it
Leave it behind you
Loose it - loose it - loose it
The energy is waiting
Use it - use it - use it
Use it - use it - use it
The light is waiting
The energy is waiting
Move it - groove it - move it
Let your love outside
Use it
Your soul your body is your channel
Your feeling your heart your eyes
Be a light channel
Let your love out
Move it
Let your love outside
Let your love out
Let your love out
emoohn Studio Could Anybody Tell Me
Could Anybody Tell Me
Could anybody tell me
Yes I can
You can..
But but
Could anybody tell me
Why I'm thinking that the ups are so strange
And the lows also
Why do I see soldiers everywhere
And hobby policemen
I'm longing for a gun
To protect myself effectively
Cause I'm a psycho
I have a problem
I can't believe it
Could anybody tell me
Why do I see stupidity spreading around like mould on forgotten fruit
Why do they seem to be so self confident
The searchers
The lost ones
The people who should start to pray
For forgiveness and wisdom
(yeah wisdom)
Cause I'm a psycho
I have a problem
I can't believe it
Could anybody tell me
Why are they killing
Instead of being willing
To understand
Yes.. I can..
Yes.. but..
But but
Could anybody tell me
But.. but..
But but
I'm still waiting
(I'm still waiting)
Could anybody tell me
Why are they destroying
Instead of enjoying
Could anybody tell me
Could anybody tell me
(I'm still waiting)
I'm still waiting
I'm still waiting
Could anybody tell me
So.. I'm still waiting
I'm still waiting
Why.. instead of..
Instead of
Enjoying enjoying.. enjoying
Could anybody tell me
Could anybody tell me
Cause I'm a psycho
I have a problem
I can't believe it
Cause I'm a psycho
I have a problem
I can't believe it
emoohn Studio Remember The Light
Remember The Light
Beyond the borders
It has driven
Some of us
Mama, papa, sister, brother, son, daughter
Woman, man, boy, daughter, friend, mother
Mama, papa, sister, brother, son, daughter
Woman, man, boy, daughter, friend, mother
Mama, papa, sister, brother, son, daughter
A lot of people are beyond the borders
They've forgotten that everything they do to others.. they do to themselves
Because of them.. the power of the light decreases arouond us
But it's our light too
I can't believe it
Mama, papa, sister, brother, son, daughter
Daughter, brother, woman, husband, man, sister
Mama, papa, sister, brother, son, daughter
Because of them
Because of them
If you want to see what you can see
Then you also want to prevent it
You can do it
It's simple and feels very good
Set your positive energies free
Set your positive energies free
That's the start
So we know what for
Mama, papa, sister, brother, son, daughter
Woman, man, boy, daughter, friend, mother
Mama, papa, sister, brother, son, daughter
Woman, man, boy, daughter, friend, (here) mother
That's the start
So we know what for
Remember the light
Remember the light
The light
Beyond the borders it has driven some (remember it) of us
Remember it
If you want to see what you can see
Then you also want to prevent it
You can do it.. and it's simple and feels very good
Set your positive energies free
Beyond the borders
It has driven.. some of us
Remember the light
The light
the light
That's the start
So we know what for
Remember the light
Remember it
emoohn Studio Come Into My Space
Come Into My Space
Come into my space
Fill it up with you
I want to see the drops of your being
Floating with me
Come into my space
Load it with you
Do it and you will be visible
In me
I go with you
Because you're with me
Come into my space
Welcome you shall be
In my world
I'm a careful visitor in yours
Push me out of my.. (out of my past) past
I will heal your wounds
We will be visible
(visible visible visible)
For us
We will be visible
For us
For us
(for us)
(for us)
Push me out of my.. past
I will heal your wounds
We will be visible
For us
We will be visible
For us
Come into my space
Push me out of my
Push me out of my
Out of my
(out of my)
We will be visible
For us
(for us)
Come into my space
Load it with you
I go with you
Because you're with me
Come into my space
Welcome you shall be
In my world
I'm a careful visitor in yours
I'm a careful
(careful careful careful)
Visitor in yours
We will be visible
For us
I'm a careful visitor in yours
Come into my space
Welcome you shall be
In my world
Do it and you will be visible
(visible visible visible visible visible)
emoohn Studio Beautiful Woman
Beautiful Woman
Beautiful woman
Let's go to sleep
Sympathetic woman
Come on..
It feels so deep
Your eyes are touching me
Beautiful woman
let me take your hand
(to come into)
I invite you
(my land)
To come into my land
Your smell is so near me
Hello beautiful woman
Sympathetic woman
Your smell is like a good dream
Let's go to the pillows and blankets
to divei n this cold night
Into the light
Beautiful woman
Sympathetic woman
I see it
An angel is in you
(your smell is so near me..
an angel is in you.. an angel is in you.. an angel is in you)
Let's fly
Let's dance
Through the night
(through the night)
Into the light
(your eyes)
Let's dance.. our dance
Beautiful woman
It seems as if you are loving
And passionate
That's exactly what I need
(come on.. come on.. come on.. come on.. come on)
Let's (your eyes) go to the pillows and blankets
to divei n this cold night
Into the light
(into the light.. your eyes into the light.. into the light..)
Into the light
(into the..)
Your eyes
(your eyes your eyes.. eyes)
Beautiful woman
Sympathetic woman
I invite you
(to come into my land)
An angel is in you
(an angel is in you an angel is in you an angel is in you)
(let me take your hands.. let me take your hands)
Beautiful woman
(let's go to the pillows and blankets)
Your smell is like a good dream
(let's go to the pillows and blankets)
It feels so deep
So come on
(into the light.. so come on)
Let's dance..
Through the night
(your eyes your eyes)
Into the light
(into the light into the light into the light)
(into the light)
(into the light into the light into the light)
(your eyes)
(into the light into the light into the light)
Let's dance.. our dance
(your eyes are touching me)
It feels so deep
(into the light into the light into the light)
Your eyes
(your eyes your eyes your eyes)
Your eyes are touching me
(your eyes your eyes)
Your eyes
(your eyes your eyes your eyes)
Your eyes are touching me
It feels so deep
Your eyes
(your eyes your eyes your eyes your eyes)
Into the light
It feels so deep
(it feels so deep it feels so deep it feels so deep it feels so deep)
Your eyes
(your eyes your eyes your eyes your eyes your eyes your eyes)
Your eyes are touching me
emoohn Studio It's In You (A Thousand Seeds)
It's In You
(A Thousand Seeds)

In the streets
I can see
A thousand seeds
Creatures of love
Carrying an old knowledge inside
The old knowledge
Is in you - is in you - is in you
With deep perception
We go on
It's in you - it's in you - it's in you
Magic moon / dirty river
Warm sun / dirty air
We can come together / dirty future
To be one
To clean the river
To clean the air
To clean the future
With deep perception
It goes on
In the streets I can see a thousand seeds
Creatures of love
Carrying an old knowledge inside
The deep perception
Gives satisfaction
To our hearts - our souls
In the end
emoohn Don't Be So Cool To Me
Don't Be So Cool To Me
Don't.. be so.. cool
Don't.. be so.. cool to me
cool cool cool
Otherwise I have to go away..
To go away from you
If you don't stop
Don't.. play those.. games with me
I have to leave you
If you don't stop
If you don't stop
If you don't
If you don't
If you don't
I have to leave you
I have to go away
I have to go away
I have to go away from you
I have to go away from you
I have to go away
With another.. with another, with another, with another..
with another
with another
with another
I have to go away
with another
with another
with another
I have to go away
To go away from you
I have to go away
I have to go away
From you
I have to go away
From you
I have to go away
From you
From you
Don't play.. those games with me
I have to leave you
If you don't stop
If you don't stop
If you don't stop
If you don't stop
If you don't stop
Don't be so.. mean to me
Don't be mean
mean mean
Otherwise I have to go away
To go away from you
If you don't stop
If you don't stop
If you don't
If you don't
If you don't
If you don't
If you don't
If you don't
If you don't
If you don't
If you don't
If you don't
emoohn Johleen
Ouhm bo jeh heh
heh heh heh heh heh heh heh
Din goo din goo minoh ke raah
I la heo umdeno vuelo
Din goh win yo
Din goh win yo
Din goh win yo
Do bo ge nah he ro deno ba la
Shido genaah he ra leiya genaah
Ouhm bo jeh heh
Din goo din goo minoh ke raah
Eiva heo umdeno vuelo
Din Gooh win yoh
Ouhm ba ouhm ba jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh
Ouhm ba Ouhm ba Ouhm ba
jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh jeh
Do bo ge nah
Shi do ge naah
Ouhm bo jeh heh
huhh huhh huhh huhh
Ohm ba
Ohm ba
Ohm ba
Ohm ba
Ohm ba
Ohm ba
Ohm ba
huhh huhh huhh huhh huhh huhh
jeh jeh jeh
jeh jeh
emoohn Studio Close To You
Close To You
Close to you
Safe and secure
At my place
I sit
Covered in great music
And dream of you
How you are - in reality
Close to you
I lie
Drifting in my thoughts
And can see you
How wonderful
I can see you
You are beautiful
Safe and secure
I live in a reality
That everyone can remember
If only one wants to
In front of your being
I stand
Believing in you
And can feel who you are
The Queen is within you
And the King is within you too
How exciting it is.. to experience you
Safe and secure
I live in a reality
That everyone can remember
If only one wants to
If only one wants to
In front of your being
I stand
Believing in you
And can feel who you are
emoohn It Could Be Up to Us
It Could Be Up To Us
Don't don't
Don't do do don't
Don't sink
It could depend on us
Don't don't don't
don don
Hay yeah
Don't sink
Can you remember
The time we went through
You still have to know
It could be up to us
They have forgotten them
The days
Before the time began
Now we are going
The power of the light vanishes
vanishes vanishes
But it's our light
It mustn't disappear
It could depend on us
We must resist the weakness
Don't sink
It can depend on us
Hay yeah
If you want to see what you can see
Then you will also want to prevent it
We can make it
We have to succeed
Don't give up
I can't do without you
Don't don't don't
Don't don't
Don't forsake me
Don't don't don't don't
Don't don't
Don't sink don't sink
It could be up to us
Up up to us
It could be it could be
It could be up to us
Don't forsake me don't forsake me
Don't sink
It could be up to us
It could be
Up to us
It could be
It could be
Up to us
Up to us up to us
Don't give up
It could be up to us
Up to us
The power of the light
If you want to see
What you can see
Then you will also want to prevent it
Don't forsake me
Don't don't don't
I can't do without you
Don't give up
Don't give up
We have to succeed
Don't sink
I can't do without you
Without you
That you can see
To prevent it
Then you will also want to prevent it
Don't sink
Don't give up
We have to succeed
emoohn Is That What I Want?
Is That What I Want?
Is That What I Want?
I walk through the streets
With my bag
In which is.. everything I need
I made up my mind to go into a restaurant
I'm hungry
People look at me
(people look at me)
I don't know what they are thinking
But somehow
It feels quite strange
What they are doing
Is that what I want is that what I want oh what I want is that what I want
I try that it doesn't get to me
But it's hard
They turn around
Whispering comments
Soft but definite
(soft but definite)
Actually they can hate themselves
Is that what I want is that what I want oh what I want is that what I want
But I'm inside fully inside
(fully inside)
And can't escape
They often say do it
(they often say do it)
And I must do it
And I must do it
And I must do it
(and I must do it)
Is that what I want is that what I want oh what I want is that what I want
Have finished eating
Still stay a little having a drink
Then I go
Is that what I want is that what I want
They follow me with their eyes
I feel their stares
Can feel them.. they don't do well
(is that what I want is that what I want oh what I want is that what I want)
I simply have a bad feeling
(is that what I want is that what I want)
I just don't want anymore
(I just don't want anymore)
I just don't want frustration anymore
No no
(is that what I want is that what I want oh what I want is that what I want)
Maybe like that (maybe like that) I die a bit (I die a bit sooner) I die a bit sooner
But at least I don't become like them
(is that what I want is that what I want oh what I want is that what I want)
I simply have a bad feeling
I don't want frustration I don't want frustration anymore
I'm here feel and see so much
They are so many
But still alone
In their own being
From which they can't escape
And even don't want to
And I'm inside
And I'm inside
Fully inside
And I'm inside
Just don't want anymore
And I'm inside
I simply have a bad feeling
Is that what I want is that what I want oh what I want is that what I want
Just don't want anymore
I'm not away.. oh I'm here
Is that what I want is that what I want oh what I want is that what I want
I'm not away
(I'm not away)
No no
(no no)
(I'm inside)
I don't need frustration anymore
I want to have a good feeling
Is that what I want is that what I want oh what I want is that what I want
No no
(no no)
(no no)
I don't need lies anymore
I want to have a good feeling
emoohn Under a Spell
Under a Spell
Under a spell
Whole societies
Under a spell
Walking in fogs
Who knows for how long
And since when
Barely visible to them anymore
What surrounds them
Who is whispering
Into their ears
Into their ears
Into their ears
Into their ears
Who they are
What they believe then
Whole areas.. deserted
And poisoned in addition
It is not many anymore
Who are still there
Who are still there
Who are still there
And for even fewer still
It is easy
To stay there
To stay there
To stay there
To stay there
There were already barely anyone
Wants to be
Wants to be
Wants to be
to be
to be
to be
Is it at least what one believes
Whole inner lives of souls
Only empty
In dispair confusedly frozen
Frozen frozen frozen
At times very tired
And then alert again
But very short
Are the bright glows
glows glows glows glows
And then cold again
Very quickly
Is what was before
Like afterwards
Brief hope faded soon
Brief hope brief hope brief hope
Still.. under a spell under a spell under a spell
Still still
And very slowly it came over us
And mostly already over others
Who long before us endured it
The very evil empty dream
Still under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
And very slowly it came over us
Over us over us
And mostly already
Already already
Over others others
Who long before us
Endured it
The very evil empty dream dream dream
Which then became our.. reality reality reality
Which then.. became.. our
Our our
Reality reality reality reality
Still under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
And mostly already.. over others
Who long before us
Endured it
The very evil empty dream
Empty dream empty dream empty dream
Which then became.. our.. reality
I will remember remember remember remember
Who I am
And who I was
I will remember remember remember remember
Who I was and who I am
I will remember remember remember remember
Who I am..
And who I was
And who I was
And who I.. and who I and who I
And who I..
And who I
And who I
And who I
The very evil empty dream
Which then became our
I will remember remember remember
Who I am and who I was
I will remember remember remember
Who I was and who I am
The very evil empty dream
Which then became
Our reality
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Under a spell
Now You Are Gone My Love (Long Version 2019)
Now You Are Gone My Love
I will remember
One life
One life
One life
One life through
Now you are gone my love
Gone my love
Gone my love
Gone my love
Take care of yourself
Old shadows will come back again
Back again
Back again
Back again
And it could be that you don't find me
When the time will be
Now you are gone my love
Up to the surface where it seems to be more
Maybe I can't protect you again
But it seems you will be strong enough
But it seems you will be strong enough
When the time will be
When the time will be be be be be be
When the time when the time when the time
When the time when the time when the time
When the time when the time
Now you are gone my love
Your voice while we were loving will I miss
Will I miss
Your power impressed me so much
I hope you can use it for yourself
Or somebody may help
When the time will be
When the time will be
When the time will be
When the time will be
When the time will be
When the time will be
Now I'm without you my love
Your glimmer will not pale in my life
My life life
I will remember one life through one life through
What I felt with you
I will remember
I will remember
One life through
What I felt with you
I will remember one life through
What I felt with you
I will remember will remember will remember
will remember will remember will remember
will remember
I will remember will remember will remember
will remember will remember will remember
will remember
I will remember will remember will remember will remember will
remember will remember will remember
One life
One life
One life
One life
I will remember
What I felt with you
I will remember
What I felt with you
What I felt with you
What I felt with you
What I felt with you
I will remember
One life through
I will remember
I will remember
I will remember
One life through
What I felt with you
What I felt with you
What I felt with you
I will remember
What I felt with you
What I felt with you
I will remember
What I felt with you
I will remember
I will remember
What I felt with you
Will not pale in my life
In my life
In my life
Now I'm without you my love
My love
My love
My love
My love
My love
My love
My love
I will recognize you
Recognize you
Recognize you
Recognize you
Recognize you
Recognize you
Bu luh
Bu luh
Ba lah
Ba lah
Bo loh
Bigonaca bara
Bigonaca bara
Ba lah
Bigonaca bara
Bigonaca bara
Bacinica bara
Bacinica bara
Ba lah
Ba bah
Ba lah
Ba lah
Ba lah
Ba lah
Ba lah
My love
My love
My love
Bu luh
Bigonaca bara
Bigonaca bara
Ba lah
Biconaca bara
Bacinica bara
Bacinica bara
Ba lah
Ba bah
Ba bah
Ba lah
Ba bah
Ba bah
Ba bah
Ba bah
Ba lah
Ba bah
Ba bah
Ba lah
Ba bah
Ba bah
Ba lah
Ba bah
Ba bah
Ba bah
Ba lah
Ba bah
I will remember
I will remember
Now you are gone my love
Gone my love
Gone my love
I will remember
Bu luh
Bu luh
Ba lah
Ba lah
Bo loh
Bigonaca Bara
Bigonaca Bara
Ba lah)
Baginica Bara
Baginica Bara
Ba lah
Ba bah
Ba lah
Ba lah
Bu loh
Bigonaca Bara
Bigonaca Bara
Bigonaca Bara
Until I Am Again Who I Am
Until I Am Again Who I Am
I have gone
Up to here
And I go further
Until I arrive
Until I am again who I am
And was
Until I am
Until I am until I am until I am until I am
Minutes of nothing
For me it appeared
Like eternity
What just has been
Oh god
What emptiness has just overwhelmed me
What a moment what a moment
In which my being briefly drowned
And my senses froze
It appeared
As if the love
Was only a dream
And the art
Only illusion
Not brought vision from higher levels
And states of awareness
Brought into our world
And being
To show us what is happening with us
With us
With us with us with us with us with us with us with us with us
Minutes of Fear
To be alone
Much too alone
As having gone much too far ahead
Into the future being
Which is knowningly
If we want to stand up
To the divine
In us
In us
I have gone
Up to here
And I go further
Until I arrive
Until I am again who I am
And was
Until I am
Until I am until I am until I am
Until I am until I am until I am until I am
Who I am
And was
Until I am until I am until I am until I am
I have gone
Up to here
And I go further
Until I arrive
Until I am again who I am
And was
Until I am
Until I am
And was
Up there up there up there
To show us what is happening.. with us
With us with us with us
To show us what is happening with us
It appeared as if the love was only a dream
It appeared it appeared
As if the love as if the love
Was only a dream
Was only a dream was only a dream was only a dream was only a dream
It appeared as if the love was only a dream
It appeared it appeared it appeared it appeared
As if the love as if the love
Was only a dream was only a dream
I have gone
Up to here
And I go further
Until I arrive
Until I am again who I am
And was and was and was and was
Until I am
Until I am until I am until I am until I am
Minutes of nothing
It appeared
Like eternity
Oh god
What emptiness has just overwhelmed me
Overwhelmed me overwhelmed me overwhelmed me
What a moment
In which my being briefly drowned
And my senses froze
It appeared it appeared
As if the love as if the love
Was only a dream was only a dream
And the art
Only illusion
Not brought visions from higher levels
And states of awareness
Brought into our world
Being being being
To show us what is happening
Not brought visions
Visions visions visions visions visions
And states of awareness and states of awareness and states of awareness
Brought into our world
To show us what is happening
Unavoidable unavoidable unavoidable
If we want to stand up if we want to stand up if we want to stand up
To the divine to the divine
In us
Unavoidable unavoidable unavoidable unavoidable
If we want to stand up if we want to stand up if we want to stand up
To the divine to the divine
In us
To the divine to the divine to the divine to the divine to the divine
To the divine to the divine to the divine to the divine to the divine
To the divine to the divine to the divine to the divine to the divine
In us
In us in us in us in us in us in us
Unavoidable unavoidable unavoidable
If we want to stand up if we want to stand up if we want to stand up
If we want to stand up if we want to stand up
To the divine to the divine to the divine to the divine to the divine
In us in us in us in us in us in us in us
If we want to stand up if we want to stand up if we want to stand up
If we want to stand up if we want to stand up
To the divine
In us in us in us in us in us in us in us in us in us in us
Unavoidable unavoidable unavoidable
If we want to stand up if we want to stand up if we want to stand up
To the divine to the divine
Only illusions only illusions only illusions
Not brought visions from higher levels
And states of awareness and states of awareness and states of awareness
Brought into our worlds brought into our worlds
Being being being
To show us what is happening with us what is happening with us
With us with us with us with us with us with us with us with us with us
Minutes of fear minutes of fear minutes of fear minutes of fear
To be alone to be alone to be alone to be alone
Much too alone much too alone much too alone much too alone
Much too alone much too alone much too alone much too alone
Much too alone much too alone much too alone
If we want to stand up if we want to stand up if we want to stand up
To the divine to the divine to the divine
Much too alone much too alone much too alone much too alone
In us
And I go further and I go further
Until I arrive until I arrive
Unavoidable unavoidable unavoidable
Much too alone much too alone
Unavoidable unavoidable unavoidable
Much too alone much too alone
Unavoidable unavoidable unavoidable unavoidable
In us
Until I Am Again Who I Am
To Rest in It
To rest in it and in it and
For the blue land
For the blue land
For the blue land
The blue the blue the blue the blue the blue the blue the blue
To rest in it and in it and
Wait wait
For the blue
For the blue land
And wait
For the blue
Land land land land land
Taste taste taste taste
Like it's known by the past
The attempts to use the remaining age had lost the visions
And my senses froze
It appeared
As if the love
Was only a dream
And the art
Only illusion
Not brought vision from higher levels
And states of awareness
Brought into our world
And being
To show us what is happening with us
With us
With us with us with us with us with us with us with us with us
that made success possible
Possible possible possible
But the days remain the days
That drag on like a sluggish pulp
Through the present
Through the present
Shining like a crystal in the fading sun
Seconds of shining were in a position
To let a thousand hearts radiate
In sparkling shine
That then had happiness inside
For a short moment
For a short for a short for a short
For a short moment
For a short moment
A short moment a short moment a short moment a short moment
Beauty like the last moment
Tried to hold them
To realise the miracle
A voice was heard
As long as it exists
As long as it exists as long as it exists
It sounded in the space
The space the space the space
So that there is still
So that there is still
So that there is still
Hope for courage
Hope for courage
So that there is still
Still still
Hope hope hope hope
To rest in it for for for
To resit in it for
For a little while
To resit in it for
For a little while
For a little while
For a little while
For a little while
To rest in it for for for
To resit in it for
For a little while while while
And wait
For the blue land
For the blue land
For the blue land
For the blue land for the blue land
For the blue land for the blue land
For the blue land
For the blue land
To rest in it
And wait
For the blue land
For the blue land
For the blue land
For the blue land for the blue land for the blue land for the blue land for the blue land
To resit in it to rest in it to rest in it to rest in it to rest in it
To rest in it and wait
For the blue land
For the blue land for the blue land for the blue land for the blue land for the blue land
To rest in it and wait
To rest in it and wait
For the blue blue blue blue land
For the blue land for the blue land for the blue land
For the blue land for the blue land
And wait
For the blue land for the blue land
For the blue land
For the blue land
For the blue land
Beauty like the last moment
tried to hold them
To realise the miracle
As long as it exists
So that there is still
Still still still still
So that there is still hope for courage
So that so that there is still is still hope for courage courage courage courage
Hope hope hope hope
The seconds of shining were in a position
emoohn Studio But I Know What I Know
But I Know What I Know
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
But I know what I know
But I know what I know
I know you can resist
But I know what I know
I know you can resist
I don't know
What they are currently telling you
Are doing with you
I only hope
That you can resist
Remain with yourself - wholly
I don't know
To where they drive you
With their thoughts
With their being
I pray for you
And your being
That you remain
That you remain
That you remain
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
But I know what I know
I know you can resist
I don't know
What they do with you
With their energies
If they are able
To disconnect you
To distort your perspectives
And by doing so, you
you you you
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
But I know what I know
I know you can resist
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
Remain - Resist
Because it totally looks as if you are right
It is easy for the many to take the confidence from the one
When one is not certain
When one is not certain
The light is the belief - the knowledge .. the security
The light is the belief - the knowledge .. the security
The light is the belief - the knowledge
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
But I know what I know
I know you can resist
But I know what I know
But I know what I know
But I know what I know
I don't know
But I know what I know
But I know what I know
I know you can resist
I don't know
I don't know
I don't know
But I know what I know
emoohn Wake up Clever Human
Wake up Clever Human
Time to wake up
Wake up wake up
Wake up
You must wake up
Clever human
Be a free human
Wake up wake up
You must be
A clever human
Wake up
Wake up
Rise rise rise
You must wake up you must wake up you must wake up
Clever human
Wake up wake up
Already too late?
Is it already too late?
Wake up
It is never too late
Wake up
Clever human
Wake up
  Time to wake up
Rise rise
  Wake up wake up wake up wake up
  They take us down
They take us down down
Really down
Really down
Down down
Completely down
Completely down
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Be a clever human
Time to wake up
Time to wake up
Time to wake up
Don't be a shepherds dog
Clever human
Don't be a stupid dog
Be a clever human
Be a human
Clever human clever human clever human
Wake up
Wake up
They take us down
They take us down
Wake up
Really down really down
Completely down
Completely down
Wake up wake up
Clever human
Wake up
Don't call your child a kid
Clever human
It is not a stupid kid
It is a clever human
A real human a real human
Clever human
See what you can see
Clever human
Feel what you can feel
Clever human
Think what you can think
You must wake up
Wake up
Don't be a stupid herd
Clever human
Don't be a goat or sheep
Be a clever human
Wake up wake up
Clever human
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
They use you
They use me
They use us
Against us
Wake up
Wake up wake up
Don't be afraid
Rise rise
Don't be afraid
Clever human
Don't be afraid don't be afraid be afraid
Wake up
Be strong
Controlled by language
Controlled by language
Controlled by force
Controlled by force
Wake up
Controlled by lies
Is it already too late?
Wake up
Wake up
It is never too late
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up wake up
Be free
Clever human
Be real
Clever human
Be strong
Clever human
Clever human clever human
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up wake up
Be human
Be human
Clever human
Be clever
A clever human
Like a human
Clever human clever human
Controlled by language controlled by language
Be human
Controlled by force
Be strong
Controlled by lies
You are
A real
Clever human clever human clever human
Be human
Or what's left of it
Rise rise
Wake up wake up wake up
Wake up
You must wake up now
Be a human
A clever human
Time to wake up
Wake up
Wake up
They call us cattle
Rise rise
Clever human
Some of us
Really are
Wake up wake up
Controlled by language
Clever human
Controlled by force controlled by force
Clever human
Controlled by lies controlled by lies
Time to wake up
They take us down they take us down
Really down really down really down really down
Completely down completely down completely down
Wake up
Wake up
Time to wake up
Time to wake up
Be a human be a human
Wake up
A human a human
Be a clever human be a clever human
Time to wake up
Wake up
A clever human a clever human
Time to wake up
Wake up
Wake up wake up wake up
Wake up wake up wake up
You will own nothing
And you'll be happy
Wake up wake up
Wake up wake up
Wake up
Time to wake up
Wake up
Replacing feelings
Replacing memories replacing memories
Replacing knowledge
Wake up
Clever human
Clever human
Clever human
Clever human
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up now
Wake up
Don't be afraid
Wake up
You will own nothing
And you'll be happy happy happy
There will be nothing.. left
Wake up
Replacing feelings
Replacing memories
Replacing knowledge
World world
Wake up
Clever human
Clever human
They take us down
Really down
Don't be the herd
Completely down
Completely down
Already too late
Don't be afraid
Is it already too late
Wake up wake up
It is never too late
Clever human clever human
You will own nothing
Time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up
Time to wake up
Clever human clever human
Time to wake up time to wake up
Wake up
Clever human wake up
There will be nothing
You will own nothing
And you'll be happy
And you'll be happy
Wake up wake up
Clever human
Wake up wake up
You will own nothing
And you'll be happy
Wake up
Replacing feelings
There will be nothing there will be nothing
Replacing memories
Nothing nothing
You will own nothing
And you will be happy
Nothingness is coming is coming
Wake up
You will have nothing
If you don't stop it
Not even your own memories
Don't be afraid
Wake up wake up
They take us down they take us down they take us down
Really down really down really down
Completely down completely down
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
Wake up
Wake up
At all at all at all
Replacing knowledge
If you are still alive at all
Replacing memories
Really down
Replacing knowledge
Completely down
There will be nothing left
Don't be afraid
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